In the beautiful yet isolated landscapes of Iceland, a couple living on a sheep farm finds themselves facing the grief of their child's death and the challenges of their strained relationship. Their lives take a dark twist when a mysterious lamb is born, leading to a series of unsettling events that involve body horror, psychological suspense, and supernatural elements. As the couple navigates through their own mental turmoil, they must confront the horrifying transformation happening around them.
When an ornithologist's kayak capsizes in the wilderness, he is forced to navigate his way back to civilization while encountering various challenges along the way.
A young engaged couple embarks on a backpacking trip in the remote Caucasus Mountains. As they bond with their local guide and immerse themselves in the stunning landscapes, a pivotal event challenges the foundation of their relationship.
Ludvig and Sussi Battwyhl, Louis and Katja Brenner and Julia and Kurt Balzar are upper class millionaires. They don't seem to do any real work but still need a vacation in the mountains. Everybody seems to be romantically involved with everybody. A rich American woman joins them.
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