Hollywood Steps Out is a star-studded animated short film showcasing various Hollywood celebrities attending a glamorous nightclub in Los Angeles, California. The film features comedic spoofs and caricatures of notable figures such as Norma Shearer, Cary Grant, Greta Garbo, Edward G. Robinson, Johnny Weissmuller, Humphrey Bogart, George Raft, Harpo Marx, Clark Gable, Bing Crosby, and Leopold Stokowski. The cartoon includes humorous scenes like lighting a match, flipping a coin, hot-foot pranks, and a conga line.
In Russian Rhapsody, a mischievous gremlin wreaks havoc on a bomber plane during World War II, causing destruction and chaos. The film serves as wartime propaganda and features caricatures of Adolf Hitler and other key figures of Nazi Germany. It showcases the resilience and determination of the Allied forces in the face of adversity.
Struggling Swenson the baker is down to just a single donut remaining in his shop. He gives it to a blind beggar who stops in. Later, while Swenson sleeps, the kindness is rewarded.
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