In the year 2040, the starship Event Horizon disappears while on a secret mission. Seven years later, it reappears and a rescue crew is sent to investigate. They discover that the ship has been to another dimension, bringing back an evil presence that torments and kills the crew members. With limited time and oxygen, the survivors must find a way to escape the ship before it returns to the dimension of chaos and evil.
A young lawyer moves into a prewar apartment building, only to discover that strange and supernatural occurrences are happening around him. He begins to suspect that the building itself has a dark secret and is determined to uncover the truth, but this puts him in grave danger as he becomes lured into a trap orchestrated by a secret society.
Hunter Wilde is the leader of a group of Christian survivalists who are trying to live as normal as possible two years after an EMP attack and knocking all the power down. In a world of chaos living day to day has become more treacherous. But that is nothing compared to when the gates of hell are opened up and demons are commissioned to seek and destroy the remaining believers on earth. Their targets are set on Hunter. If they can break him the whole town of Crossroads will follow.
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