After Tony Stark's world is shattered by the terrorist known as the Mandarin, he embarks on a journey to rebuild and seek revenge. Along the way, Tony discovers a plot involving unethical biological research and a treatment called Extremis. With the help of a young boy named Harley, Tony uncovers the truth and must stop the threat before it's too late.
In a dystopian future, a female cyborg spy named 009-1 fights against a powerful human-trafficking organization. As she uncovers their sinister plans and confronts their cyborg soldiers, she must rely on her superpowers and martial arts skills to bring them down. Along the way, she discovers shocking secrets about her own past and the true extent of the organization's reach.
In 'The Stranger,' a man crash-lands on an alternate Earth and must navigate a society ruled by a dictator. He becomes a target as he tries to unravel the truth and find a way to escape.
Short documentary featuring the unused footage including the landing frogmen not seen in final cut of the oil rig attack sequence from the James Bond movie "Diamonds are Forever".
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