To Each, Her Own is a heartwarming comedy-drama that follows a young woman named Simone as she navigates her love life and sexuality. Set in France, Simone must deal with her conservative father's disapproval while exploring her attraction to both men and women. Through various comedic and heartfelt moments, the film explores themes of self-discovery, acceptance, and the complexities of relationships.
When Kate’s best friend Em returns from abroad with a surprising new lover, they embark on a reunion vacation with their partners, but the peaceful getaway quickly becomes emotionally complicated.
Funny Story is a dark comedy that follows the journey of a has-been actor who tries to reunite with his estranged daughter and ends up getting involved in a series of hilarious and awkward situations. With a plot twist that changes everything, the film explores themes of love, moral dilemmas, and the complexities of human relationships. It is an optimistic and humorous take on life.
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