The Choice is a heartwarming movie that explores the complexities of love through the story of Travis and Gabby. A love triangle, tragic events, and the power of making choices are central themes of the film. Set in the years 1946 and 1988, it follows the journey of two individuals as their lives intertwine. Despite their differences, they find themselves drawn to each other, leading to a series of events that test their bond. As they face challenges and confront their past, they discover the true meaning of love and the importance of the choices they make.
In a not-so-distant future, tech giant Pegazus offers couples the opportunity to share their pregnancies via detachable artificial wombs or pods. Rachel, a rising tech company executive, and Alvy, a botanist, embark on a wild ride to parenthood in this world where AI and technology have surpassed nature.
Wondrous Boccaccio is an anthology film set during the black plague in Italy. It tells the story of a group of friends who escape a city hit by the plague and find refuge in a country manor. As they pass the time, they entertain each other with tales of forbidden love, death, and fear.
Emme Fahu Vindhaa Jehendhen is a beautifully crafted movie that explores the depth of true love and the eternal bond it creates. The story revolves around two individuals who meet by chance and instantly feel a strong connection – a connection that transcends time and space. As they navigate through the trials and tribulations of life, they discover the power of true love and the impact it can have on their lives. With breathtaking visuals and a compelling storyline, this movie promises to touch your heart and leave you believing in the beauty of everlasting love.
After being murdered, a woman's heart continues to beat. Her husband confesses to the crime and tries to hide the evidence, but a detective is determined to uncover the truth.
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