The Poughkeepsie Tapes is a disturbing horror movie that follows the story of a psycho killer who captures and tortures his victims. The movie is presented in a documentary-style format, showcasing the horrifying events and psychological torment inflicted upon the victims. It delves into the depths of human suffering and showcases the sadistic nature of the killer.
Blade Violent is a 1983 Italian exploitation film that follows a group of women in a corrupt women's prison who fight against the oppressive system. Filled with explicit sexual content and brutal violence, the film explores themes of lust, desire, and survival.
In Death Smiles on a Murderer (1973), a mysterious woman is brought back from the dead and becomes the object of attraction for a group of individuals. As jealousy and manipulation unfold, a series of murders occur, revealing a dark and twisted plot. This psychotronic film explores themes of incest, rape, and violence in a rural setting.
In Kiss Me Monster, a small town is terrorized by a monstrous creature that appears suddenly and attacks innocent victims. As the town grapples with fear and uncertainty, a group of unlikely heroes emerges to uncover the truth behind the monster's existence. With adrenaline-pumping action sequences, unexpected twists, and a touch of comedy, Kiss Me Monster takes audiences on a thrilling ride that will keep them on the edge of their seats.
Altered Hours is a sci-fi thriller about a drug addict who discovers the ability to travel through time. She uses this power to experience an alternate future, leading her to make life-changing decisions. Along the way, she encounters corrupt cops, missing persons, and dangerous situations. Will she be able to alter her own destiny?
Anna: Scream Queen Killer takes us on a journey into the world of indie grind house film auditions with a twist. Our young actress is desperate to make it in the movies. She is invited to a series of filmed auditions, playing out various scenarios on camera. The problem is, the director is a perverted sicko with only one thing on his mind. As the actress progresses through an ever more bizarre series of roles she slowly realizes all the man wants is sexual satisfaction. Forced to strip, and do carnal things in the name of the art, she eventually flips and takes matters into her own hands.
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