In the small town of Frayed, a psychopath clown known as the 'Killer Clown' wreaks havoc by murdering people in gruesome ways. As the body count rises, the residents become paranoid and fearful, unsure of who could be next. The town's police force and a group of teenagers must put an end to the terror before it's too late.
When a family moves into a new house, they are terrorized by a masked killer and supernatural forces. As secrets from the past are revealed, their lives turn into a nightmare filled with violence and horror.
A mysterious darkness has swallowed the earth. While running from blood-thirsty creatures, a group of six strangers are mysteriously drawn to an old movie theatre. Thinking themselves safe, they attempt to come to grips with the chaos happening to the world outside. But little do they know that something far worse resides within the walls of the theatre... ...pure evil.
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