Jour de fête is a classic French comedy film directed by Jacques Tati. It follows the story of a postman who tries to modernize his mail delivery process in a small village. However, his attempts at efficiency often lead to comical mishaps and misunderstandings. The film is known for its physical comedy, visual gags, and slapstick humor. Set in the idyllic French countryside, Jour de fête showcases the charm and eccentricities of village life in the 1940s.
The Cossacks is a melodramatic silent film based on the novel, set in the Caucasus region of Russia. It explores the themes of wrestling, church bells, prayer, and the complexities of relationships, including jealousy and father-son dynamics. The film portrays the struggles faced by the Cossack community, including the death of a father and the hardships of marriage. With its emotional storyline and stunning visuals, The Cossacks provides an immersive experience to the viewers.
The young Count Martin von Tandenskiöld who has returned from the war is forced into a battle with a Russian colonel after he harasses his bride Karin. Chased by the Cossacks Martin escapes and joins the old wanderer. On the way Martin encounters adventures and beautiful women.
In the village of Medela, the village elder Fritz Schmal is buried with great sympathy. Beforehand, Till goes with his father to his property to check on the stork on its new nest. When they join the funeral procession afterwards, the stork has just returned from Africa and joins her husband on the nest. So it comes as Grandad Schmal had predicted. The following flashback shows how it all began.
Strong women take care of the property while the men focus on chasing women.
The last black-and-white film in the Niskavuori series of movies.
The new steward of Siltala ends up falling in love with the beautiful widow of the house. Their romance is endangered by misunderstandings and the fact that the estate of Siltala is swimming in debt. And the new steward isn't quite what he seems to be.
In the late 19th century at Längelmäki two men kill a mailman and rob all the money he carried. Based on actual events.
Elsa lives in a childless marriage. But she longs for a baby. She is drawn to a man that could be the father of her long awaited child.
La montagna del sole is a documentary film that explores the life of farmers and mountaineers in rural Italy. The film focuses on the traditional practices of haymaking in the scenic Alps.
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