Set in 19th century rural Japan, Empire of Passion follows an ill-fated love affair between a woman and a younger man, resulting in a spiral of guilt, despair, and insanity. When rumors of the affair start spreading, the husband becomes consumed with jealousy and seeks revenge, leading to tragic consequences. Directed by a cult director, this atmospheric film explores themes of adultery, desire, and the consequences of unfaithfulness.
A woman grapples with the traumatic childhood memory of losing one of her baby teeth.
While staying at an inn in a colonial-recreation village for her anniversary, a young woman becomes possessed by her murderous ancestor through an antique mirror and compelled to murder her husband.
A young woman’s connection with the life force of nature. Using her taxidermy talents to “return” the animals to their natural habitat. But the true search for answers begins when she finds a roll of undeveloped film in each of the animals that she treats.
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