In the year 2040, the starship Event Horizon disappears while on a secret mission. Seven years later, it reappears and a rescue crew is sent to investigate. They discover that the ship has been to another dimension, bringing back an evil presence that torments and kills the crew members. With limited time and oxygen, the survivors must find a way to escape the ship before it returns to the dimension of chaos and evil.
In the year 2003, Earth comes under attack from an alien force known as the Hand. Captain Malcolm attempts to lead a crew of misfits aboard the spaceship Liandra to protect the planet. As they encounter dangerous situations, they must also face the challenges of trust and loyalty within their own team. With the help of telepathic abilities, ancient cities, and intergalactic battles, they fight to save humanity.
A psychic investigates the disappearance of a space-shuttle crew and discovers an alien force present in the craft.
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