xxxHOLiC is an anime TV show based on a manga series. It follows the story of a high school boy named Kimihiro Watanuki who possesses the ability to see ghosts. One day, he finds himself drawn into the shop of a mysterious witch named Yuuko Ichihara, who promises to grant his wish in exchange for his services. As Watanuki begins to work for Yuuko, he becomes involved in various supernatural events and encounters spirits and creatures from Japanese mythology. The show explores themes of destiny, friendship, and the balance between the human and spirit world.
Yūko Ichihara is the sexy owner of a strange store which offers to make any wishes come true for a price. Kimihiro Watanuki has a special type of blood that attracts spirits and ghosts. He goes into the shop owned by Yūko Ichihara and asks her to get rid of the spirits. Yūko offers to do so if he works part-time at the store.
A little girl named Kohina ends up summoning a Kokkuri-san, a lower-ranking ghost in Japanese folklore. The Kokkuri-san she calls ends up being a white-haired handsome, young man. Although he had intended to merely haunt her at first, he becomes worried about her terrible eating habit of cup ramen for every meal, so he decides to haunt her in order to protect her.
In the small town of Swann Valley, struggling writer Hall Baltimore becomes entangled in a murder mystery involving a missing daughter, a vampire, and a ghostly girl. As he delves deeper into the investigation, his own guilt and dreams blur the line between reality and fantasy.
In 1916, laconic adventurer Corto Maltese is in Paramaribo, Surinam visiting his mystic female friend Java. He helps a young heir haunted by voodoo spirits, delivers some weapons to rebels in Brazil and hunts for treasure with Rasputin.
Upon exploring an unreleased children's video game, an eager Paul discovers an easter egg - a massive electronic labyrinth hidden underneath the game.
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