Big Nothing is a dark comedy crime thriller that tells the story of Charlie, a failed writer, and Gus, a disgraced cop. When Charlie finds a way to blackmail someone, he convinces Gus to help him. However, their plan quickly spirals out of control, leading them into a world of murder, deception, and chaos. As they try to stay one step ahead of the authorities and a dangerous female serial killer, they must confront their own dark secrets and face the consequences of their actions.
A group of stranded travelers seek shelter in a remote castle on a stormy night, only to discover that the castle is inhabited by Count Dracula. As they try to survive, they are subjected to torture and violence, while some of the travelers become entangled in a web of lesbian vampires. Will they be able to escape before becoming victims of Count Dracula's great love?
Ax 'Em is a horror movie about a group of friends who go on a weekend trip and find themselves being hunted down by a homicidal maniac. As they are killed one by one, they must try to survive and escape.
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