Harlem Globetrotters is a Saturday morning cartoon produced by Hanna-Barbera and CBS Productions, featuring animated versions of players from the famous basketball team, Harlem Globetrotters. Broadcast from September 12, 1970, to September 2, 1972 on CBS, and later re-run on NBC as The Go-Go Globetrotters, the show featured cartoon versions of George "Meadowlark" Lemon, Freddie "Curly" Neal, Hubert "Geese" Ausbie, J.C. "Gip" Gipson, Bobby Joe Mason, and Pablo Robertson, alongside their fictional bus driver and manager, Granny, and their dog mascot, Dribbles. The series worked to a formula where the team travels somewhere and typically get involved in a local conflict that leads to one of the Globetrotters proposing a basketball game to settle the issue. To ensure the Globetrotters' defeat, the villains rig the contest; however, before the second half of the contest, the team always finds a way to even the odds, become all but invincible, and win the game.
Bender's Big Score follows the gang from Planet Express as they discover a tattoo on Fry's buttocks that contains a time-traveling code. This leads to a series of events including a paradox, corporate greed, and the revival of the dead. The gang must navigate through these challenges while saving the world and dealing with their own personal struggles.
It’s true—to the public at large they are the clown princes of the parquet, the internationally renowned sports superstars The Globetrotters. But, unbeknownst to John and Jane Q. Sportsfan, high above the Earth orbits the Globetrotter Crime Globe, a different kind of "eye in the sky." Whenever and wherever the Crime Globe detects dastardly doings, the call goes out to the Globetrotters—Nate Branch, Liquid Man, Freddie 'Curly' Neal, Super Sphere, James 'Twiggy' Sanders, Spaghetti Man, Louis 'Sweet Lou' Dunbar, Gizmo, and Hubert 'Geese' Ausbie, and Multi Man—and they quickly ditch the b-ball court for crime-fighting.
Statues Also Die is an essay film that explores the cultural significance and controversial history of African art and statues. It delves into topics such as neocolonialism, post-colonialism, racism, and the impact of art in African society. The film uses unsynchronized sound and a mix of archival footage and interviews to provide a thought-provoking examination of the subject.
The Harlem Globetrotters Popcorn Machine is a Saturday morning variety show featuring players from the basketball team the Harlem Globetrotters singing, dancing, and performing comedy sketches. Broadcast in 1974, it was produced by Funhouse Productions and Yongestreet Productions for CBS Productions.
All-American basketball player, Billy signs up with the world-famous "Harlem Globetrotters", an all-Negro professional team. Billy struggles with important life decisions and their consequences.
Tells the story of an American social culture embedded with racism, war, oppression, and poverty where these asphalt warriors escaped and rose above it all with a mutual love and respect.
The story of Abe Saperstein and the creation of the Harlem Globetrotters.
"The Team that Changed the World," investigates the Globetrotters' impact socially and culturally, as well as their lasting effect on the NBA. Featuring interviews with basketball players, celebrities, politicians, and more, the documentary also shows how the Globetrotters continue to serve as "Ambassadors of Goodwill" and touch audiences around the world today.
The Jesse Owens Story is a biographical film about the black athlete Jesse Owens. Dorian Harewood plays the Olympic gold-winning athlete. The drama won a 1985 Primetime Emmy Award and was nominated for two more.
When the castaways discover the Harlem Globetrotters on their deserted island, they join forces to save a robot basketball player from a mad scientist.
A film about the director's relationship with his father who was a team member of the Harlem Globetrotters.
Vistarama cameras capture historical scenes and all the beauties of Rome. Featuring shots of the Pope, a religious festival, a bike tour of the city, and other views.
Interspersed with interviews from luminaries including Dr. J, Oscar Robertson, Bill Cosby, Jerry West, Mannie Jackson, Marques Haynes, Ernie Banks, and Dr. Jack Ramsay, the story spans decades and shows the widespread influence of Goose on prominent sports, entertainment and business figures. Mannie Jackson presents the untold story of an American icon who changed the game of basketball forever and inspired an entire generation along the way.
Documentary on the life of Harlem Globetrotters legend, Jumpin' Johnny Kline, who barnstormed in the tumultuous Civil Rights era of the 1950s. From a highly-famed Globetrotter stand out, Kline found himself struggling with substance misuse.
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