Affliction is a gripping crime drama set in a small town in New Hampshire. The story revolves around Wade Whitehouse, a police officer who becomes entangled in a mysterious hunting accident. As he investigates the incident, he begins to uncover deep-rooted family secrets and confronts the demons of his troubled past. The movie delves into themes of abuse, alcoholism, and violence, painting a grim portrait of a town plagued by darkness.
Homeboy is a 1988 movie about a washed-up boxer named Johnny Walker who has a brain injury. He gets involved in a jewelry store heist with a small-time crook and a stripper. As their plan unfolds, Johnny must confront his self-destructive behavior and try to find redemption.
In futuristic Los Angeles, a crime-fighting organization known as Condor goes up against the Black Widow, a female master criminal. The Black Widow steals the national security code and threatens to blow up Hollywood unless her old enemy, Proctor, a Condor operative, is turned over to her.
A psycho escort (Shauna O'Brien) sets her sights on a married woman (Landon Hall). Revenge, blackmail and murder follow in this steamy late night thriller. There were several sequels.
When a police officer is killed in the line of duty, his soul enters into the body of a young officer to seek revenge for his murder. However, when the spirit takes over, the officer is unaware of what is going on and most think he is in need of a psychiatrist, including the wife of the fallen cop.
After being framed for a diamond theft, a female ex-convict goes on the run to prove her innocence. With the help of a parole officer and a diner waitress, she must navigate a dark web of betrayal and deception to find the truth before it's too late.
Joe Hargatay is a police detective who works just for the fun of it, investigating a murder that leads him into a dangerous underground world of drugs, models, models as escorts, Asian and Italian mobs, and his ex-wife.
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