The House Is Black is a documentary short film that offers a glimpse into the daily lives of individuals living in an Iranian leper colony. The film explores themes of creation, desolation, suffering, and compassion, as well as the impact of illness on both individuals and society. It showcases the challenges faced by the residents and the efforts of a dedicated teacher who provides education and support to the children in the colony. Through powerful visuals and poignant storytelling, The House Is Black raises awareness about the harsh realities of leprosy and promotes empathy and understanding.
A little-known facet of American history comes to life in this fascinating account of Carville, La., a former plantation made over into a community established for victims of leprosy from around the world. Featuring rare photographs as well as recent interviews, the program takes you inside the daily workings of one of the most intriguing medical establishments this nation has ever seen.
"700 meters far from humans, and million meters far from humanity…" The study of the life of the lepers of Spinalonga with a dedication and affection that brighten the neo-realistic and documentaristic framework and style of the film. Plot: We watch romantic and emotional adventures, ideological and sentimental conflicts featuring the patients, doctors and several locals. The doctor Stathis Chtenas (Giorgos Kampanellis) is disappointed at the situation on the island and confesses to the teacher (Orestis Markris) that he wants to leave soon. Their life changes with the arrival of a young volunteer doctor, Angela (Nina Sgouridou), whose dynamic presence transforms life on the island. Stathis and Angela become a couple and make everything to improve life at Spinalonga. However, on the occasion of young Sifis’s (Tzannis Kourkoulakos) “escape” from the island, Stathis’s attitude changes.
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