23 is a gripping movie that follows the story of a young hacker who uncovers a conspiracy theory involving the government, illuminati, and terrorist bombings. As he delves deeper into the mystery, he becomes entangled in a dangerous web of drugs, paranoia, and deception. Based on a true story set in the year 1986, this film takes viewers on a suspenseful journey through the murky world of espionage and cold war politics.
Comedy movie that deals with typical behavior of young teens.
Watch David’s successful concert in Hanover from April 2012.
The film documents the 80 days of chaos in Hannover, including photographs in black and white of clashes between punks and neo-nazi skinheads. In addition, it presents music videos of Hannover punk bands like Blut + Eisen, Boskops, Schwarz-Rotes Banner and Fortschreitende Angstzustände.
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