DOTA: Dragon's Blood is an action-packed fantasy anime TV show that follows the journeys of various characters in a world filled with dragons, magic, and intense battles. The story revolves around a dragon knight who is possessed by a powerful dragon and a mute woman who becomes his unlikely ally. Together, they face off against evil forces and navigate through a complex web of political intrigue and supernatural fantasy.
Eun-kyum is a rookie employee in his first year at work. He is diligent. full of charms, and gets along well with others. But because he values looks too much, Eun-kyum has been unsuccessful in love. This changes when his team leader shows up as his ideal type. But Eun-kyum is constantly irritated by Ji-hyuk because he gives him a hard time whenever he gets the chance
This is the profile of our main character (Jeong Bong-gi) who collects the Anime girls figure as a hobby, plays games when he comes home after a part-time job, and complaints (which can’t in front of others). One day he fell asleep after a normal routine. And then Next morning, suddenly he wakes up as a Bagel girl (woman with baby face and glamorous body)! He was embarrassed by the sudden change for a moment, he meets a cute and cheerful girl(Han se-mi) in an online chatroom and gets help. The days meeting many people, avenging himself on those who had ignored him and getting more used to being a woman. At that time, he meets Han Sang-woo, who once thought he was a friend, but destroyed his life.
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