The Vampire Diaries is a supernatural drama series about a teenage girl, Elena Gilbert, who is torn between two vampire brothers, Stefan and Damon Salvatore. Set in the small town of Mystic Falls, Elena discovers that her hometown is filled with supernatural beings, including vampires, werewolves, witches, and more. As she navigates her complicated love life and battles against powerful enemies, Elena must also uncover the secrets of her own past and embrace her destiny.
The Originals is a supernatural drama series that follows the Mikaelson vampire-werewolf hybrid family as they navigate the treacherous world of New Orleans. Filled with power struggles, family rivalries, and supernatural beings, the Mikaelsons must protect their own while battling their inner demons.
Dracula, a vampire, journeys to England to spread the undead curse, while Van Helsing and a group of determined individuals set out to stop him.
A college fraternity initiation takes a dark turn when an innocent freshman is unknowingly turned into a vampire by his handsome vampire roommate. As the fraternity brothers begin drinking blood and performing rituals, the young vampire struggles to maintain his humanity. The brotherhood becomes divided as they are caught in a web of homoeroticism, secrecy, and eternal youth.
Meet Jake Hunter. He's young, he's cute and he fancies himself as the very model of a modern-day fearless vampire killer. Together with Lesley, his reluctant sidekick, Jake sets out to tackle his greatest challenge ever - the West Hollywood Count. But when the ghoul of his nightmares turns out to be the dashing hunk of his dreams, Jake discovers that there's more to this case than he counted on.
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