In "Showtime," a fictional reality TV show follows the life of Mitch Preston, a maverick cop, and his cameraman sidekick, Trey Sellars. The show captures their adventures as they chase down a notorious drug dealer. While Mitch is initially hesitant about being followed by cameras, he eventually sees the benefit of the show in capturing the criminal and increasing the police department's image. As the duo gets closer to apprehending the drug dealer, they face numerous challenges and comedic moments. Will they be able to catch the criminal and maintain their newfound fame? Find out in this action-packed buddy cop comedy.
Haute Couture is a heartwarming comedy-drama that tells the story of a diabetic woman who discovers her love for fashion and becomes involved in the glamorous and competitive world of haute couture in Paris. Despite facing challenges such as racism, loneliness, and a broken wrist, she finds strength and purpose through her determination to become a successful fashion designer. Along the way, she navigates complex relationships, including a mother-daughter dynamic and a blossoming friendship with a transvestite. This film explores themes of love, self-discovery, and the power of following one's dreams.
In the Argentinian city of Tucumán, Miguel is making a living as a “motochorro”, a thief who snatches people’s belongings fromhis motorbike. When he steals the purse of Elena, an old woman, he ends up hurting her badly. After the brutal incident, Miguel is plagued by guilt and unable to forget about his victim. In an attempt to make things right, he conceals his true identity from the old woman and starts to take care of the injured and unsuspecting Elena. The closer he gets to her the more he becomes entangled in his own lies. Afraid of telling Elena the truth, Miguel continues to be haunted by his past and is unable to find true redemption.
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