In 'Wish Upon', a teenage girl named Clare discovers a mysterious music box that grants her every wish. Excited by her newfound power, she begins to make wishes, unaware of the deadly consequences that come with each one. As Clare's wishes become more and more dangerous, she must find a way to break the curse before it consumes her completely.
To Let follows the story of a woman who moves to a new apartment in Barcelona, Spain. As she settles in, she encounters a traumatic and mysterious event that turns her life upside down.
June, a 9-year-old girl with psychokinetic powers, is adopted by a couple. As she tries to control her abilities, she faces bullying, cult rituals, and possession. With the help of her adoptive parents and a teddy bear, she learns to embrace her powers and protect herself.
Fresh Meat is a dark comedy movie that follows a group of cannibals and criminals who take over a suburban home for a home invasion. Chaos ensues as they find themselves out of ammunition and have to resort to unconventional methods to survive. With plenty of hilarious and gory moments, this movie is a wild ride from start to finish.
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