Flower & Snake is a dark and erotic thriller set in Tokyo, Japan. The story revolves around a woman who is drugged and forced into a world of bondage, sadomasochism, and violence. She must navigate the dangerous and unpredictable underworld of organized crime, all while dealing with her own regrets and desires. As she struggles to regain control of her life, she uncovers a web of deceit and corruption that reaches the highest levels of society.
When Gidget starts her first day at a prestigious law firm, she is unprepared for the cold reception she gets from Gregory, heir to the family business. A stodgy lawyer with none of Gidget's spirit for fun, Gregory makes her new job miserable for her - taking every opportunity to taunt and belittle her. But Gidget knows that all work and no play makes anyone a dull boy - so she resolves to reveal her true self and show Gregory the sexy side of the law!
Betty and Tracey can't figure out what makes Lacey's marriage so good. After some sleuthing, they find that Lacey moonlights as an erotic lap dancer for her husband. After revealing Lacey's secret Betty and Tracey spice up their own love life by surprising their husbands with a seductive show that they will never forget.
Crazy sexual liaisons happened after the Prom and students from Science class documented it all on video! Ten years later, just hours before the class reunion, a sexy witness to everything that happened confesses to the wild sexual history and reveals she has just posted it all on the Internet!
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