Hare-um Scare-um is a surreal animated comedy from 1939. In the short film, a rabbit named Bugs Bunny disguises himself as a dog to evade a hunter who is trying to catch him. The plot revolves around the rabbit's clever tricks and the hunter's relentless pursuit. The film is known for its surreal humor and imaginative animation.
Everyone loves the wheat cakes served by short-order cook Betty, but they have a drawback. With Bimbo and Koko; no bee is involved.
Daffy Duck pretends to be a millionaire and ends up in a surreal mansion where he plays pranks and gets into comedic situations.
Near-sighted Mr. Magoo is on his way to his lodger-convention and latches onto a robber, whom he thinks is his room-mate. He winds up in the den of the thief thinking he is in his convention hotel room. He proceeds to toss around in fun dynamite, hand-grenades and bombs until the crook is knocked out and captured by the police. Magoo becomes a hero.
In The Stupor Salesman, a hapless door-to-door salesman unwittingly becomes involved in a bank robbery. With his trusty brush and briefcase in hand, he must navigate a world of guns, explosions, and wacky characters to make it out alive.
A society woman falls for a man she meets on the beach. The man decides to teach her a lesson by masquerading as his butler.
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