The Boy in the Plastic Bubble tells the story of a teenage boy named Tod Lubitch, who suffers from severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) and is forced to live his life in a specially constructed environment. Tod yearns to experience the outside world and falls in love with his next-door neighbor. As he navigates the challenges of his illness and the limitations it imposes on his life, Tod must also confront societal expectations and find his place in the world.
A mild-mannered man becomes an animal magnet after a mad scientist uses his organs to save her life.
A college professor with a troubled past becomes the prime suspect after a high school cheerleader goes missing. As the evidence mounts and the police investigation intensifies, he must navigate the complex web of suspicion, deceit, and his own guilty conscience to unravel the truth.
Repli-Kate is a comedy sci-fi movie from 2002 about a journalist who accidentally creates a clone of herself. The movie follows the hilarious and chaotic adventures that ensue as the journalist tries to manage her own duplicate and keep her secret hidden.
An app appears on a girl’s phone. What looked like a game is actually a connection to the world of the dead, which allows her to see them through the phone’s camera.
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