Clock Cleaners is a hilarious animated short film that follows Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy as they work to clean a clock tower. However, their cleaning efforts quickly turn into a series of comedic mishaps and slapstick moments, resulting in chaos and laughter.
David O'Hara is a troubled medical student who kidnaps, rapes and murders women. He impregnates one of his victims, Melissa Daniels, in an attempt to replace the family that he lost as a young boy. However, the police rescue Melissa from David's warehouse, and David goes on a murderous rampage to get his family back.
In 'One Must Fall,' a single mother named Sarah is fed up with her boss's sexual harassment and decides to take matters into her own hands. With the help of her gay best friend, she plots a gruesome revenge against her boss, leading to a series of violent and bloody encounters.
Lacking imagination and creativity, a dejected office drone can't help but admit defeat. And then, out of the blue, an abstract idea in the shape of a cold claw hammer strikes him.
Goti and his friends Marcelo, Eliseu, Tomás, Ido and Geison will graduate on a Friday the 13th. To celebrate, they decide to make a party in Goti's house with booze, drugs and some girls. What they didn't expect is the visit of a masked killer - dressed as Ghostface in "Scream" -, who broke into the party to murder one by one.
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