Encounter follows the journey of a veteran who experiences a strange encounter with aliens after witnessing a meteor shower. As the story unfolds, he finds himself caught in a series of events that blur the lines between reality and delusion, leading to a desperate search for truth and a battle against powerful forces.
After his daughter's death, a traumatized private investigator in a small town becomes paranoid and starts investigating a conspiracy involving implanted computer chips.
A Handful of Dust is a period drama based on the novel by Evelyn Waugh. The story revolves around a crotchety old man, his cheating wife, and the devastating death of their son. Set in 1930s England, the movie explores class differences, adultery, and the consequences of deceit.
Following a tragic event, a young woman consumed by fear and guilt is forced to confront the manifestations of her fears to determine if they are real or the result of a mind turning against itself.
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