Stitch! is the anime adaptation of the animated feature film Lilo & Stitch and the successor for the Lilo & Stitch series by Walt Disney Animation Studios. It takes place after leroy and stitch and debuted in Japan on October 2008. The show features a Japanese girl named Yuna in place of Lilo, and is set on a fictional island in the Ryukyus off the shore of Okinawa instead of Hawaii. The island is called Izayoi. A second anime season, called Stitch! ~The Mischievous Alien's Great Adventure! began airing in Japan on October 13, 2009. A third yet different series from the first two season anime, entitled Stitch! ~Best Friends Forever~ aired on TV Asahi on July 6, 2010. The first season began airing under the English language on the Australian Disney Channel on 4 December 2009, and went to also air in English later on Disney Channel Asia December 19, 2009. The first season premiered on Disney Channel Latin America on May 2, 2010, in Latin Spanish dub. The Second season premiered on Disney Channel Latin America on June 6, 2011. The Third Season premiered on Disney Channel Latin America on August 20, 2012.
Powerpuff Girls Z is an animated TV show about three 13-year-old girls who gain superpowers and transform into superheroes to protect the city from evil villains. Using their unique abilities, they battle and overcome various challenges while balancing their lives as normal teenagers.
Brynhildr in the Darkness follows a group of friends who discover a hidden laboratory and encounter a girl named Neko who has supernatural powers. As they uncover the truth about Neko's past and the experiments performed on her, they are drawn into a dangerous world filled with conspiracy and mysteries. With newfound abilities, they must navigate through perilous situations while trying to protect each other.
Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks is a family-friendly animated TV show set in rural Ireland. It follows the heartwarming adventures of a young pig named Piggley Winks, his friends, and his grandfather as they learn valuable life lessons and have fun together. The show is told in flashback, with Piggley reminiscing about his boyhood. With its educational and entertaining content, Jakers! is a delightful show for kids and adults alike.
Having been raised and trained for the past seventeen years as a traditional samurai 'bushi', Yoichi was surprised when his father suddenly announces that there nothing more that he could teach his son, but he arranges for Yoichi to continue training at a dojo owned by one of his fathers friends. So now, Yoichi must leave the tranquility of his remote rural mountain life and move to city to live with his fathers friend's family to continue his studies. And if learning how to cope with city life were not hard enough, he finds himself living with 4 beautiful sisters, and having to endure a ‘training’ regiment more severe than he could ever imagine...
Taba and the Girls of Kagura Total Security Inc. specialize in jobs where their enemy are "Phantom Cats". They have a few run ins with the various Government agencies, as well as a gang of Phantom Cats; blowing up a lot of stuff along the way. When one of their own is kidnapped, they have to get her back.
Taba and the Girls of Kagura Total Security Inc. are at it again. This time they have to battle a Gang of Phantom Cats and a mysterious enemy and assassin. And there are the run ins with the Government, the need for a new office, as well as sorting out the past to deal with. Luckily, they've got a stock pile of weapons and super technology to help.
Sinkin' in the Bathtub is a hilarious Looney Tunes animation from 1930 featuring Bosko, who creates chaos in and around a bathtub. With his wild shenanigans and multiple self-breaking character, Bosko brings laughter and entertainment to the audience.
Esther Blueburger is an eccentric and misunderstood 13-year-old girl who rebels against the conventions of her religious private school. She befriends a public school girl and together they navigate the trials and tribulations of adolescence, friendship, and identity.
Originally intended to be a pilot for the third Walt Disney Television animated series, the movie features five pastel-colored talking (Fluppy) dogs who arrive through a Fluppy interdimensional doorway. Upon arrival, the dogs befriend 10-year-old Jamie and his neighbor Claire. The friends must help the Fluppy dogs avoid the clutches of the evil exotic-animal collector Wagstaff and find the doorway that will lead them back to their world.
Parents will do anything for their children.
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