Shaun the Sheep Movie follows the story of a mischievous sheep who, tired of the routine of life on the farm, hatches a plan to take a day off. He and his fellow sheep disguise themselves as humans and venture into the big city. However, their excitement quickly turns into chaos as they get caught up in a series of hilarious and unexpected mishaps. With the farmer in hot pursuit and a wily animal control officer on their tail, Shaun and his friends must rely on their resourcefulness and teamwork to find their way back home and out of trouble.
Calvin, a young man, inherits a barbershop in Chicago and discovers the complicated life that exists within the shop. Amidst humorous conversations and events, Calvin must deal with his customers, employees, and a unsavory loan shark.
Blow Dry is a comedy movie set in a small Yorkshire town where a group of hairdressers compete in a prestigious competition. The story revolves around the relationships between the characters, including a husband and wife who are separated but forced to work together, a father and son who have a strained relationship, and a hairstylist dealing with the fallout of his wife being diagnosed with cancer. As the competition unfolds, the characters navigate their personal challenges and find unexpected connections.
Babyteeth tells the story of a terminally ill teenage girl named Milla who falls in love with a drug addict named Moses. As Milla's health deteriorates, she must navigate the challenges of her illness and her unconventional relationship, all while dealing with her overprotective parents.
Duck Dodgers and his space cadet, Porky Pig, are on a mission to stop Marvin the Martian from destroying Earth with his energy crisis. Along the way, they encounter various chaotic situations and surreal adventures.
The film features a conversation between Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola, producer of THX 1138. They discuss Lucas' vision for the film, including his ideas about science fiction in general and in particular his concept of the "used future" which would famously feature in his film Star Wars. Intercut with this discussion is footage shot prior to the start of production of THX 1138 showing several of its actors having their heads shaved, a requirement for appearing in the film. In several cases the actors are shown being shaved in a public location. For example, Maggie McOmie is shaved outside the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, while Robert Duvall watches a sporting event as his hair is cut off. Another actor, Marshall Efron, who would later play an insane man in the film, cut off his own hair and was filmed doing so in a bathtub.
Miguel —alias Tibars, alias “Djon África,” born and raised in Portugal— is a kindhearted Rastafarian who loves women and lives a carefree life. Until one day a stranger tells him he's the spitting image of his father, “a player and a crook.” His father, whom he never even knew! This intriguing discovery makes him change tack. Particularly when his grandmother, who always took care of him, finally tells him how his father was in prison; how sad Miguel was as a toddler when he couldn't see him; how his father was banished to Cape Verde. Miguel goes there to visit him. Who is this man?
Young men find themselves scattered and defencelessly exposed to a merciless sun. Their gaze moves off searchingly into the distance. Deserted places appear to offer vague promises of refuge. On a prison wall, an explosive image of desire emerges, full of hope for freedom.
In Pelham Bay, the Bronx, Freddie grows up wanting to be a barber - like his father, grandfather, and uncles. The big day arrives when he gets a chair in his father's shop. The priest blesses his chair, tools, mirror, and Freddie. He starts in. But he's not very good. He tries to develop a signature cut; customers avoid him. But Freddie's motto is, "Life is a lot like hair, you can always find your part in it." What's Freddie's?
In this 1925 Out of the Inkwell short, Ko-Ko the Clown becomes a barber. As usual, he eventually escapes the animated world for the "real." He hides in a shaving mug and when Max tries to lather up.
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