Xam'd: Lost Memories follows the story of Akiyuki, a teenage boy who lives on Sentan Island. When a mysterious woman gives him a power called Xam'd, he transforms into a powerful creature known as a Humanform. Akiyuki is forced to leave his peaceful life behind and goes on a dangerous adventure to uncover the truth about his existence and the secrets behind the war that has ravaged his world. Along the way, he encounters various friends and enemies, all while struggling to control his newfound powers.
In Commitment, a high school student finds himself caught in a secret mission after his father is captured by a North Korean agent. He is forced to become a government assassin in order to save his father and protect his sister. As he navigates the dangerous world of espionage, he must confront betrayal, danger, and his own inner demons.
After accidentally picking up a corpse, two brothers embark on a road trip to fulfill the deceased's last wish. Along the way, they face numerous challenges and unexpected encounters, making the journey both hilarious and heartwarming.
In this movie, the abuwak race is being threatened by extinction. The only way they can grow in numbers again is through the rare ability that only the soon-to-be queen of the abuwaks, Hasmin (Lovi Poe) possesses.
In a small town lost in the middle of nowhere, Edmond Zweck's funeral business is on the wing. The company now has only two employees: Georges, Zweck's right-hand man, and Eddy, a young man still a novice in the trade. One fine morning, however, a dead man pointed his nose. Hope is born again. Georges and Eddy are responsible for leading the deceased to his last abode. But in search of the cemetery that can not be found, the funeral convoy goes astray and the journey turns into a fiasco.
Ordinary girl Lan Mo once got a headdress flower which could transform her into a dream girl. She use this image to chase her childhood sweetheart, Liu Yi Feng. The story happens between them is sweet and touching.
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