David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet is a biographical documentary film that showcases the life of David Attenborough and his journey to witness the devastating impact of humanity on our planet. Attenborough shares his personal experiences and insights into the destruction of habitats, loss of biodiversity, and the urgent need for action to address the climate crisis.
The movie follows the life of a filmmaker in West Bengal, India, who is battling tuberculosis and facing financial problems. It explores the challenges he faces in pursuing his passion for filmmaking and his journey to find political freedom.
Water shortages, hunger, peak oil, species extinction, and even increasing depression are all symptoms of a deeper problem – addiction to unending growth in a world that has limits. GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth goes way beyond prescribing Band-Aids to slow the bleeding. This film examines the cultural barriers that prevent us from reacting rationally to the evidence current levels of population and consumption are unsustainable.
Follow the journey of polar bears in the Beaufort Sea as they face the challenges of habitat loss due to global warming. Explore the delicate ecosystem of the Arctic and witness the effects of climate change on these majestic creatures.
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