Space Station 76 is a comedy-drama sci-fi movie set in a retro-futuristic space station in the 1970s. The film explores the lives of the inhabitants of the space station, dealing with themes of loneliness, infidelity, and self-loathing. The plot follows a group of people living on the space station and their various personal struggles, including a closeted-gay man, a little girl, and a gay protagonist. The story unfolds as they navigate their daily lives, including playing video games, making telephone calls, and experiencing boredom. The film combines comedy and drama with a satirical take on space travel and the 1970s.
Helga, a woman who runs a strict prison camp, forces her female prisoners into slave labor and to be love toys for her own personal pleasure, as well as for her soldiers. Issuing torture and whippings to anyone who dares defy her, man or woman.
The true and forgotten story of Violet Gibson, daughter of the Lord Chancellor to Ireland, who shot fascist dictator Benito Mussolini at point-blank range as she faced a Fascist mob in Rome in 1926. The film looks at how she almost changed the course of history and the enormous personal price she paid.
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