In Feudal Japan, a skilled ninja named Jubei takes on a dangerous mission to defeat the Shogunate's forces and protect a village from demonic creatures. Along the way, he meets a female ninja named Kagero and forms an unlikely companionship as they navigate treacherous situations, fight powerful enemies, and uncover a plot to overthrow the government. As Jubei confronts his past, he must confront his inner demons and unleash his supernatural powers in order to seek vengeance and bring justice to those who have wronged him.
When a camgirl's online identity is stolen, she must find a way to reclaim her identity and stop her doppelganger from taking over her life.
The lawyer David (Christian Berkel) has taken a job after a long period of unemployment, he can not agree with his conscience. He will liquidate a company and dismissed all employees. Despite his qualms, he does it - for his wife Irina (Jule Ronstedt) and his son Simon. But David's objections seem to be justified: threatened a young woman (Bibiane Beglau), which was denounced by him, and followed him. When he angrily to her home goes to admonish her, he finds her dead body. But that's the nightmare does not end. From then on, David is convinced haunted by her spirit to be.
When a group of teenagers get trapped in a ski resort with a masked killer on the loose, they must find a way to survive while also dealing with comedic elements and spoofing the slasher genre.
On a stormy night in Louisiana, six people are haunted by the spirit of a demented slave master with an insatiable erotic appetite, as they stay trapped inside a haunted mansion by a thunderstorm..
Tribe: The Untold Story of the Making of Vice Cops is a comedy film that follows the hilarious and chaotic journey of a group of vice cops as they navigate through various misadventures. The film is a satirical take on the life of vice cops, filled with action-packed scenes, comedic moments, and unexpected twists. With a combination of witty dialogues, funny situations, and outrageous characters, Tribe offers an entertaining and unique perspective on the world of law enforcement.
In Satan's Mistress, a woman is tormented by a demon who possesses her body. She must find a way to fight back and regain control before it's too late.
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