In Return of Sabata, a skilled gun-slinger named Sabata returns to seek justice and battles against a ruthless robber baron who plans to develop the town. With explosive action, stylized violence, and intense gunfights, Sabata navigates through a world of danger, making alliances and facing formidable foes. As the conflict escalates, will Sabata be able to overcome the odds and emerge victorious?
It Can Be Done Amigo tells the story of an orphaned boy who becomes involved in a series of adventures in the Old West, including a shotgun wedding, a quick-draw duel, and a mass brawl. The film also features explosions, oil gushing from an oil well, and a boy caught in the middle of the action. With elements of comedy, drama, and Western, It Can Be Done Amigo is a wild ride through the Old West.
A cattle rancher fights against forced marriages and seeks revenge while finding love in the Old West.
After witnessing the murder of a deputy, a widow's husband is killed, and a federal marshal sets out for vengeance and justice in a land-rush era town rife with corruption, personal vendettas, and range wars.
Grillville's sharp-shooting hero, Sheriff Cow, faces his greatest challenge yet...accepting himself. During a journey to discover his identity and purpose he has to decide whether he's a cow or a cowboy.
The movie follows the story of a guy named Abdullah, who wants to leave the country, but stops when he falls in love with a girl named Ivan.
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