A thought-provoking documentary that delves into the systemic corruption and collusion between governments and the media. It reveals the truth behind political power and exposes the complicity that perpetuates deception and manipulation of information.
Faithfully reproduced observations of Breton fisherfolk in story of the man a local woman really loves who will not at first give himself to her because of his fondness for the sea that takes him away.
Redacted is proud to present “Peace, War and 9/11.” In this captivating documentary filmed six months before his passing, eminent scholar and lifelong peace activist Graeme MacQueen shares his final words on 9/11, the 2001 anthrax attacks, and the goal of abolishing war.
This documentary delves into the complexities of the Vietnam War, including the controversial decisions, political landscape, and the anti-war movement. It examines key events such as the Tet Offensive, invasion of Cambodia, and the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
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