In a dystopian future, a car race called Death Race becomes a deadly game where the contestants fight for their lives. In Death Race: Inferno, a driver tries to survive the brutal race while facing various challenges and deadly opponents.
Tobor the Great is a sci-fi movie from the 1950s that tells the story of a young boy named Brian and his test pilot father. When Brian's father resigns from his job due to the government's manipulation of his experiments, Brian takes matters into his own hands and builds a robot named Tobor. Together, Brian and Tobor embark on an adventure in outer space to save Brian's father and uncover the truth behind the government's actions. Along the way, they encounter meteor showers, scientific research, and even a nuclear explosion.
In Double or Mutton, a wolf named Ralph and a sheepdog named Sam work together during the day, but at night, Ralph tries to steal Sam's sheep. Ralph comes up with various schemes to snatch the sheep, including disguises, cannons, and guided missiles. However, Sam always outsmarts Ralph and ends up capturing him instead. The short film is filled with slapstick humor and classic Looney Tunes-style animation.
The building and launch of the British-made Blue Streak rocket.
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