Little Man Tate tells the story of a seven-year-old boy named Fred, who displays exceptional mathematical abilities and is considered a child prodigy. As his intelligence becomes more evident, Fred's mother struggles to balance her desire for her son to lead a normal childhood with providing him with the educational opportunities he needs. The movie explores themes of rejection, classism, and the challenges faced by gifted children in society.
A struggling musician with schizophrenia embarks on a road trip to find a disappeared person, accompanied by a homeless man. Along the way, he reunites with his girlfriend and confronts his mental illness.
An Honest Liar is a biographical documentary that tells the story of James Randi, a magician and skeptic who dedicated his life to exposing deception, fraud, and tricks in the fields of paranormal, psychic phenomena, and faith healing. The film explores Randi's career and his efforts to debunk fake psychics, channelers, and faith healers. It also delves into his personal life, including his same-sex marriage and the challenges he faced as a homosexual activist. The documentary showcases Randi's famous performances, such as escaping from a locked safe and hanging upside down over Niagara Falls. An Honest Liar is a captivating and thought-provoking film that sheds light on the power of critical thinking and the importance of skepticism.
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