Universal Soldier: Regeneration is an action-packed movie set in a dystopian future where a terrorist group hijacks a nuclear power plant. A team of superhuman soldiers, known as Universal Soldiers, is sent to stop the terrorists and prevent a deadly massacre. Led by their super-soldier leader, they must use their enhanced powers and combat skills to navigate through a thrilling and suspenseful battle against the evil organization. With intense fight scenes and non-stop action, the movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Che: Part One (2008) is a biographical drama that follows the life of Che Guevara, a key figure in the Cuban Revolution. The movie depicts his journey from being a doctor to becoming a revolutionary leader, and the battles he fought to overthrow the Batista regime.
In the second part of this epic war film, Che Guevara continues his guerrilla warfare in Bolivia, fights poverty and oppression, and ultimately faces his tragic end.
Monos follows a group of teenage guerrilla soldiers in an unnamed Latin American country. They are tasked with guarding an American engineer hostage, but their isolated mountain outpost becomes a surreal battleground as internal tensions and power struggles escalate.
Golgo 13: Queen Bee is a movie that follows the story of an assassin named Golgo 13 as he navigates the world of politics and military. With his sniper rifle and deadly skills, Golgo 13 carries out his missions with precision, leaving a trail of bloodshed and violence in his wake. Along the way, he encounters various obstacles and must face the consequences of his actions. The movie explores themes of revenge, loyalty, and the dark side of human nature.
Amigo is a story of friendship, betrayal, and sacrifice set against the backdrop of the Philippine-American War. It follows the life of Rafael, a village leader forced to choose between loyalty to his countrymen and friendship with an American soldier. As tensions rise and conflicts erupt, Rafael must navigate the complexities of war and face the consequences of his decisions.
A Luta Continua explains the military struggle of the Liberation Front of Mozambique (FRELIMO) against the Portuguese. Produced and narrated by American activists Robert Van Lierop, it details the relationship of the liberation to the wider regional and continental demands for self-determination against minority rule. It notes the complicit roles of foreign governments and companies in supporting Portugal against the African nationalists. Footage from the front lines of the struggle helps contextualize FRELIMO's African socialist ideology, specifically the role of the military in building the new nation, a commitment to education, demands for sexual equality, the introduction of medical aid into the countryside, and the role of culture in creating a single national identity.
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