Extract follows the story of Joel, a small business owner who is faced with a series of misfortunes including a cheating wife, a nosy neighbor, and an industrial accident. Joel tries to extract himself from these bizarre situations while dealing with a variety of eccentric characters.
8 Seconds is a 1994 movie about a young and humble rodeo rider who becomes a world champion. However, as he achieves success, he struggles to balance his career and personal life. The film explores themes of love, loyalty, and the pursuit of dreams.
American Virgin is a hilarious satire that follows a teenage boy's outrageous journey as he navigates the world of sex, relationships, and the porn industry. Determined to lose his virginity before his 18th birthday, he embarks on a wild adventure filled with impotence, revenge, and unexpected twists. With a domineering father, a fictional TV show, and a cast of eccentric characters, this coming-of-age comedy explores themes of sexuality, rebellion, and the absurdity of the media.
Princess is a dark animated film that follows the story of a young girl named Princess who seeks revenge for her mother's murder. She navigates through a world filled with grief, guilt, and surrealism, as she confronts the dark forces responsible for her loss. The film tackles social issues such as child abuse and the pornography industry, making it a thought-provoking and intense experience.
In 'Bill Engvall: Just Sell Him for Parts', comedian Bill Engvall shares his hilarious experiences, including a dance competition while on percocet, a painful groin injury, and his encounter with a catheter. The stand-up comedy special is filled with laughter and relatable moments.
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