Where Hope Grows is a drama film that follows a former professional baseball player named Calvin Campbell. Calvin's life takes a turn when he meets Produce, a grocery store clerk with Down syndrome. Through their friendship, Calvin finds hope and redemption as he learns valuable life lessons and discovers the power of unconditional love.
The Dead Girl (2006) is a crime drama thriller that follows the interconnected lives of several women who are affected by the discovery of a dead girl's body. As the investigation unfolds, dark secrets and hidden connections are revealed, leading to a shocking climax.
In a Prague shop, an assistant has been carrying on an affair with the dishonest, married manager. An emotionally repressed auditor with domestic problems of his own uncovers serious stock discrepancies. A test of loyalties and a questioning of values concludes in tragedy.
In this musical comedy, two star-struck small town kids head for the Big Apple and become famous for their jitterbug act. Their fame doesn't last long, but they had fun anyway. Songs include: "Baltimore Bubble," "Gingham Gown," "Just a Bore," "Wasn't It You," "Kaneski Waltz" (Frank Skinner, Charles Henderson).
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