In a distant future, a group of Ultramarines are sent to a desert planet to hold a monastery from a demonic possession. They must battle against a religious cult's forces and face the corruption within their ranks.
Angels of Death follows a group of space marines in the warhammer-40k universe as they face a grimdark and dangerous military science fiction world.
The Exodite follows the struggle of a T'au Empire expeditionary force to bring the Greater Good to a new planet. However, there are many opponents to this notion, willing to take a stand.
It is the 30th millennium. Humanity is caught in the midst of a fratricidal war between those of the meta-human Space Marines who are loyal to the Emperor, and those who no longer are. The once noble warriors of the XII and XVII legions are cutting a bloody path throughout the realm of Ultramar, committing boundless atrocities out of sheer spite and hatred for their cousins belonging to the XIII legion. In this episode we gain a glimpse of the aftermath of the battle on planet Sathus, and the living nightmare taking place on a starship manned by traitorous legionaries, as they bide their time on the approach to planet Calth.
A man known only as The Emperor has seized control of the world, and seeks to stamp out all religion. As his armies march on the last church on Terra, a priest named Uriah stands resolute. He maintains his church and prepares for his congregation, as he would any other night, despite this being faith's final day. It is to these conditions a mysterious figure, Apocalypsis, arrives. On the eve of a changing universe, Apocalypsis and Uriah debate the legitimacy of the principles of religion.
After falling through the collapsed ceiling of an abandoned imperial guard training facility, guardsman Raines wakes to find himself alone and separated from his squad deep in heart of enemy territory.
Helsreach is a war-torn city on the planet Armageddon, where the Imperial Fists Space Marines fight against the relentless Ork invaders. As the city becomes a battlefield, Captain Darnath Lysander leads his small squad in a desperate struggle to defend Helsreach from annihilation.
In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, the mighty Space Marines of the Inquisition battle against the forces of Chaos to protect the Imperium of Man.
Fan movie based on Warhammer 40k universe. A holy Inquisitor is sent to a distant planet to inspect rumors of heresy. A band of mercenaries is hired to find the heretics' base in an abandoned industrial complex, but something awakens.
Astartes follows the adventures of a group of space marines known as the Adeptus Astartes as they battle against various enemies in the grimdark universe of Warhammer 40k. The series explores themes of war, duty, and sacrifice.
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