Hope is a touching drama that follows the lives of a married couple as they navigate the challenges of the husband's terminal illness. Set in Oslo, Norway, the film explores themes of love, faith, and the power of hope. With a blend of heart-wrenching moments and uplifting moments, Hope showcases the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
High school senior Michael (the son of a preacher and a Christian) is the new guy in a small town still reeling from a high school basketball star's unforeseen suicide of a year ago.
Who is stalking the students of Glenwood High School, and why? The small town of Glenwood is rocked by a strain of unsolved murders which include three of Glenwood High School's very own students. Glenwood Detectives John Brooks and Victoria Morales are working as fast as they can to hunt down the killer. ...
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