Sequel to the 2018 animated series SSSS.Gridman and the third installment of the Gridman multimedia franchise. When Yomogi Asanaka, a first-year student at Fujiyokidai High School, meets Gauma, he claims to be a "kaiju user." But the appearance of a kaiju followed by the entry of the gigantic robot, Dynazenon, backs up his mysterious words. After ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time; they get dragged into the desperate fight against the kaiju!
In SSSS.GRIDMAN, Yuta Hibiki wakes up with amnesia and discovers that he can hear voices coming from his computer. With the help of Gridman, a Hyper Agent from the computer world, Yuta transforms into a giant hero and battles against kaiju monsters to protect his city from destruction.
Yuta Hibiki finds himself drawing Gridman, who he seems to have missing memories of. Now in his second year at Tsutsujidai High School, Yuta decides it's time to confess his feelings for Rikka. But their peaceful days would come to a end as Gridman suddenly returns with a warning: "The balance of this world is collapsing."
Three computer-savvy kids, Naoto, Yuka and Ippei created their own videogame superhero, but then discover it possessed by an inter-dimensional police officer, Gridman. Pursuing an evil program called Kahn Digifer, he merges with Naoto and fights Kahn Digifer's digitized monsters in order to prevent the computerized demon from wreaking havoc on the Human World.
Yuuta Hibiki wakes up in the room of Rikka Takarada and notices two things: he has no memories, and he can hear a mysterious voice calling his name from a nearby room. On further inspection, he finds a robot—which introduces itself as Hyper Agent Gridman—behind the screen of an old computer. Much to Yuuta's surprise, Rikka cannot hear Gridman, nor can she see the ominous monsters looming over a thick fog as it envelopes the town outside. Another giant monster materializes in the city and proceeds to wreak havoc. Amidst the confusion, Yuuta is once again drawn to the old computer and merges with Gridman. Suddenly, he appears in the middle of the battle and is forced to fight the monster. Together with Rikka and fellow classmate Shou Utsumi, Yuuta forms the "Gridman Alliance" to defeat the monsters plaguing the city and find whoever is responsible for their emergence.
One day after school, first-year high school student Yomogi Asanaka comes across a starving man under a bridge. Introducing himself as Gauma, the strange drifter informs Yomogi that he is a "kaiju user," a person who deals with the "kaiju"—monsters who bring harm to the city and its citizens. The following evening, Yomogi runs into Gauma and his classmate Yume Minami. Simultaneously, a kaiju appears in a populated area of the city. Due to Gauma's lack of experience controlling the kaiju, he brings out a mysterious object from a glowing pouch, summoning a giant robot known as Dynazenon. Requiring the cooperation of four people, the mecha drags Gauma, Yomogi, Minami, and Koyomi Yamanaka—an unemployed man who was wandering on the street—into its cockpit. Their encounter with the kaiju marks the beginning of their entanglement with kaiju eugenicists—kaiju users who manipulate kaiju with ill intent—and their efforts toward bringing out the full potential of Dynazenon.
A tokusatsu miniseries and live-action spin-off of SSSS.Dynazenon.
22 years ago… A boy, Takeshi Todo, who attempted to take over the world with the devil of the Computer World together. He reformed himself after the battle and now needs the power of the Hyper Agent. Again, the evil is going to appear in the real world. A materialized monster is now approaching! Enter the battle code! The access code is… “GRIDMAN.”
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