Tale of Tales is a mesmerizing animated movie that explores various themes such as loss, nostalgia, and hope. Through a series of surreal and enchanting scenes, the film takes us on a journey into a world of fairy tales and explores the complexities of human emotions. It delves into the universal experiences of love, death, and longing, while also touching upon the destructive consequences of war and the tranquility that can be found in solitude.
A little girl is eating too many snacks when she doesn't realize that it is her bedtime. Then the Sandman comes out of nowhere and, sure enough, the girl falls asleep in the blink of an eye. Just then, she has a dream that she is in Toyland, where she encounters all kinds of fairy tale characters.
In close-ups and extreme close-ups, we watch two small species of marine crustaceans, the slender long-legged stenorhynchus and the clumsy, short-legged hyas. To blend in, both cover themselves with found objects, such as algae and sponges. We watch them move, eat, greet each other, and fight. They have small mandibles and large claws. Near them are spirograph worms, 6 inches long, with a plume of branchiae that fan out like exploding fireworks. We see vibrating cilia, 0.001 mm long, on the branchiae, sending food toward the mouth at the plume's center. Chopin's music and an off-screen narrator suggest we're watching a ballet.
Blocks and balls fight simply because they are different, until their battle reduces everyone to the same shape.
A surreal short film that Lynch made for the 2008 Twin Peaks Festival. It only screened once and is in black and white. In this film, Lynch is speaking backwards in what looks to be a cross between the floors of Eraserhead and the Twin Peaks Red Room. Sitting next to him is a plastic doll with the face of Laura Palmer.
It's 2618 and humans are extinct. Four aliens travel to Earth to visit the museum of humanity. There they find the story of the last heroes of humanity, setting out to find help. Welcome to Earth is a short science fiction film created in the Netherlands. It was made with a large group of both professional and amateur filmmakers. To bring the world to life it was filmed on both unique locations and inside sets build specifically for this film. It contains unique designs in both props and costumes.
Part of RKO's "This is America" series, this is an Oscar nominated short documentary from 1944 that follows the plight of European immigrants arriving in the USA looking for hope and safety.
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