In La Belle Verte, a group of extraterrestrials from a harmonious and technologically advanced planet visit Earth to observe its inhabitants. The film explores themes of satire, social criticism, anti-materialism, and anti-consumerism as the extraterrestrials witness the destructive and materialistic nature of human civilization. Through their interactions, they encourage a return to nature, empathy, and spirituality as a way to address ecological and environmental issues. The film also critiques the negative impact of technology and capitalism on the planet, advocating for green living and a more natural way of life. Ultimately, it offers a message of spiritual redemption and the importance of communing with nature.
An inspiring, guilt-free and creative culinary magazine show, in which we challenge ourselves to reduce the ecological footprint of what we put on our plate, without losing an ounce of pleasure or complicating life.
In 'Earth 2100,' experts and activists project the potential future of the Earth in the year 2100, exploring worst-case scenarios of power outages, government collapse, global climate change, bio-catastrophes, and more. The film examines the consequences of environmental issues such as global warming, oil dependency, overpopulation, water shortage, species extinction, and societal hypocrisy. It highlights the need for sustainable practices and the potential for a grim future if action is not taken.
A doctor's efforts to live a green life near the Appalachian Mountains lead to the development of a radical idea to use green burials to conserve one million acres of land and to create wildlife reserves.
A short satire that parodies a passionate and fashionable return to nature, a green self-sufficient life.
After May 1968, they experimented with communities, squats or free love, with the hope of real change. Today, at retirement age, they live in new places and promote ways of living better and growing old together. What if they were right, these former protesters whose utopias have been muted by triumphant individualism?
Mireille Roberge and her team of experts help Canadian families reduce their ecological footprint.
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