One Piece is a long-running anime series that follows the exciting story of Monkey D. Luffy, a young pirate with a dream of becoming the Pirate King. Along with his crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy embarks on a journey to find the legendary treasure known as One Piece. On their way, they encounter dangerous enemies, mystical islands, and powerful allies as they navigate the treacherous Grand Line.
A group of scientists at an underwater research facility off the coast of China encounter a 75-foot-long prehistoric monster shark called a Megalodon. They enlist the help of Jonas Taylor, an experienced diver, to rescue their stranded crew members. As they track and poison the shark, they discover it is smaller and younger than the one they've been hunting. They face intense confrontations with the shark, resulting in sacrifices and deaths. Ultimately, they succeed in killing the shark and celebrate their victory, ensuring the safety of the oceans.
When a killer shark unleashes chaos on a beach community off Cape Cod, it's up to a local sheriff, a marine biologist, and an old seafarer to hunt the beast down. The town's mayor, fearing financial loss, tries to downplay the severity of the attacks, but the sheriff remains dedicated to protecting the citizens. With more attacks and the death of a young boy, the sheriff finally convinces the mayor to close the beaches and take action. The sheriff, marine biologist, and seafarer set out to find and kill the shark, but face difficulties as the creature proves to be more powerful and cunning than expected. As tensions rise among the men on their journey, they must work together to overcome their differences and defeat the shark before it claims more lives.
Oscar, an underachieving blue streak cleaner wrasse, owes money to his boss and attempts to pawn a pearl. He becomes distracted at the racetrack and places a million-dollar bet on a long shot. When the bet fails, Oscar faces punishment. Meanwhile, in the wreck of the RMS Titanic, a family of great white sharks has a problem with their vegetarian son, Lenny. Lenny is sent to attack Oscar, but instead, he frees him before getting killed by an anchor. Oscar becomes known as the Sharkslayer and enjoys fame and wealth, but eventually realizes his actions have hurt those he cares about. With revenge plans against him, Oscar and Lenny stage an event to deceive Don Lino, the gangster shark boss. Oscar ultimately decides to be honest, reconciles with Don Lino, and embraces a happy life with his love interest, Angie.
Zig, a crafty hyena, is constantly trying to catch and eat Marina, a beautiful mermaid. However, Sharko, a protective and love-struck shark, always foils Zig's plans. The show explores their hilarious and slapstick adventures on the volcanic island, filled with physical comedy and silent comedy moments.
When a giant shark returns to terrorize a beach resort, Chief Brody must overcome his fear of water and protect the town.
Nancy, a medical student, goes on a vacation to a beach where she is attacked by a great white shark. Stranded on a rock, she must use her wit and determination to outsmart the shark and survive.
A romantic getaway turns into a fight for survival as a couple finds themselves stranded at sea due to a tropical storm that destroys their villa. With sharks lurking below, they must battle the elements and find a way to stay alive.
A group of teenage girls exploring underwater ruins in Mexico find themselves trapped and hunted by deadly sharks. With limited oxygen and no way to escape, they must navigate a treacherous labyrinth and fight to stay alive.
A giant great white shark causes chaos and terror at a theme park in Orlando, Florida. The park's owners must find a way to stop the shark before it kills more people.
A group of friends enjoying a weekend steal jetskis and race out to sea, but a head-on collision leaves them stranded with a badly injured friend. As they struggle to find a way home, they must also contend with lurking predators in the water.
When a group of animals at a Sydney zoo discover that they are about to be transferred to a new exhibit in a park, they decide to escape and make their way back to the Outback. Along the way, they encounter various challenges and form new friendships as they navigate through the Australian wilderness.
After their vacation goes wrong, two sisters find themselves trapped in a shark cage at the bottom of the ocean. With only a limited supply of oxygen and a bloodthirsty great white shark circling them, they must find the courage to survive.
When a tsunami hits a coastal town, a group of people become trapped in a flooded supermarket. As they struggle to stay alive, they must also contend with a pack of hungry great white sharks. With limited resources and a desperate situation, they must find a way to survive the ordeal.
Jaws: The Revenge is a horror thriller movie that follows the story of a police chief's family being hunted down by a vengeful great white shark. The shark seeks revenge after the chief's brother killed its mate in a previous encounter. As the shark targets the family, they must find a way to survive and defeat the relentless predator.
A group of friends set out on a boating trip, but their adventure quickly turns into a nightmare when their boat capsizes and they find themselves stranded in the middle of the ocean. As they struggle to survive, they soon realize that they are not alone in the water - a giant shark is hunting them down one by one.
After her sister's murder, Nic, her younger sister, and two friends seek solace through a Pacific island kayaking adventure. Hours into the trip, the women are stalked by a shark and must band together, face their fears, and save each other.
When a seaplane carrying a group of friends crashes near a remote island, they find themselves stranded and hunted by a vicious great white shark. As they struggle to find a way off the island and survive, tensions rise, and they realize that their only hope of survival is to outsmart the relentless predator.
In the year 2076, Jabberjaw, a great white shark, becomes the drummer of a rock band. Together, Jabberjaw and his band embark on surreal adventures filled with laughter and surrealism.
Dark Tide is a movie about a diver who is forced back into the water to face her fears and save her clients from a group of great white sharks. With a dysfunctional father-son relationship and the beauty of Cape Town, this movie will keep you on the edge of your seat.