In this animated comedy, a talking dog named Spike becomes a bodyguard for a cat named Tom. Together, they navigate various adventures and comedic mishaps, including rescuing Jerry the mouse and foiling the plans of a dogcatcher. Along the way, their friendship grows as they learn the importance of gratitude, friendship, and returning favors.
A high school student puts off many responsibilities.
Part of a gold shipment has been stolen and the Sergeant (Robert Elliott) suspects Louis LeBey (Gilbert Roland). When Louis is attracted to newly arrived Nedra Ruskin (Barbara Leonard), Woolie-Woolie (Nina Quartero) becomes jealous and tells the Sergeant where Louis hid the gold. First, Louis rescues the Sergeant whose dog team crashes chasing him and then he saves Nedra from an avalanche. When he returns the injured Nedra to the settlement, the Sergeant takes him prisoner.
Married two and half years, with a son 15 months old, and just finishing her residency as a Naturopathic physician, Jenni Kleinman Berebitsky at age 33 was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease). In both Jenni's book, ALS Saved My Life and Grateful: The Jenni Berebitsky Story, the short documentary by Studio Nethercott, Jenni boldly shares what her life has been like with ALS and how she chooses to move forward.
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