In the year 1889, a band of notorious outlaws including Cole Younger, Jim Younger, and Billy the Kid embark on a series of bank robberies and cattle thefts in Oklahoma. The Dalton brothers, Emmett and Grat, join forces with the outlaws, wreaking havoc in the Wild West. As they continue their spree, a sheriff and his daughter try to bring them to justice. With thrilling horseback riding scenes, the movie depicts the Old West's lawlessness and the pursuit of justice.
Montana Belle is a film set in the Old West that follows the story of Belle Starr, a saloon owner and female outlaw. She finds herself caught in a web of danger and deception when she tries to outsmart the notorious Dalton gang. With gunfire, double-crosses, and lawlessness abound, Belle must rely on her wit and survival instincts to navigate the treacherous path she finds herself on.
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