The Event is a suspenseful TV show that follows a group of individuals who uncover a massive government conspiracy involving aliens. As they navigate through secret identities, prison escapes, and the discovery of alien technology, they realize that the fate of humanity lies in their hands.
Alphonse is a chameleon-like man who sets out to fulfill all the wishes of women in order to overcome his own professional and marital crisis. Along the way, he reunites with his estranged father and discovers a new calling. However, his journey becomes risky and unconventional as he encounters a variety of unique and intriguing women.
The Whistle Blower is a political thriller based on a novel. A British intelligence officer is pushed in front of a train on Remembrance Day. With paranoia and mistrust growing, he embarks on a mission to uncover a government conspiracy and bring his son's killers to justice.
Vinodayathra (2007) revolves around the story of a government worker who embarks on a journey of irresponsibility, which eventually jeopardizes his relationships with his family. This heartwarming comedy-drama portrays the consequences of his actions and the lessons he learns along the way.
The discovery of a way of turning petrol into water makes a fortune and romance for the young inventor.
Carla, a young postal worker in Havana, spends her days postmarking thousands of letters and dreaming of the day when she can be reunited with her parents, who moved to Miami when she was fifteen. To fulfill her longing for intimacy, she opens random letters and rewrites them into lyrical prose, believing she is helping her fellow Cubans understand one another better. Beautifully filmed in black and white accented by brilliant colours, Nada+ has a stunning visual composition. With its delightful mix of visual humour, theatrical characters, satire and a lighthearted love story, it has a distinctly Cuban flair.
A doctor working with the Bureau of Pure Foods and Drugs, uses radio broadcasts to expose fraudulent patent medicines.
Shrouded in secrecy and notoriously cash-strapped the North Korean regime has resorted to running one of the world's largest slaving operations - exploiting the profits to fulfil their own agenda. These bonded labourers can be found in Russia, China and dozens of other countries around the world including EU member states. Featuring undercover footage and powerful testimonials, we reveal the scale and brutality of the operation and ask what, if anything, is being done to stop it.
Sally Malasmas applies for a US visa. There she meets the young and dashing vice-consul Will Derby with a wide, warm and inviting smile. Sally feels it's her lucky day! But Will thinks Sally does not have enough ties to the Philippines that will make her come back. He denies her visa, beams one last sweet smile at her and turns his back before she could protest. It isn't Sally's lucky day anymore. Sally Malasmas is a Care Officer at the National Statistics Office. She's smart and is a genuinely caring person who always has a hand to help other people.
Frank Coleman is a Vietnam veteran dying from cancer brought on by exposure to the defoliant chemical Agent Orange which he turns to Maude DeVictor, a Veterans Administration benefits counselor who teams up with Coleman to fight a lopsided batted against the bureaucratic system for its cover up of the possible dangers of Agent Orange.
Amangol (Altinay Ghelich Taghani) is the eldest daughter in a poor rural family. To help support them, her head is shaven and begins work as a boy named Aman in an isolated carpet weaving shop. The girls who work there are beaten by the owner, as is Aman, toiling at the loom until their hands bleed. As a male apprentice, he supervises the girls and lives in the shop, locked in and isolated.
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