In the small town of Swann Valley, struggling writer Hall Baltimore becomes entangled in a murder mystery involving a missing daughter, a vampire, and a ghostly girl. As he delves deeper into the investigation, his own guilt and dreams blur the line between reality and fantasy.
Filmmaker Michael Moore examines the roots of America's obsession with gun violence, exploring the causes of the Columbine massacre and the high crime rate in the United States. Through interviews with various figures and comparisons of gun ownership and violence in other countries, Moore unravels a culture of fear nurtured by the government and the media. He challenges the belief that gun ownership is connected to gun violence and highlights other factors contributing to America's trigger mania. The documentary also delves into the role of the defense establishment and American foreign policy in perpetuating violence.
Hollywood Vampyr is an expose of Los Angeles' gothic subculture as seen through the eyes of a young female vampire. The film focuses on FATAL (Nora Zimmett), a former heroin addict who, having embraced this dark lifestyle, decides to leave her "family" and break free from the Goth world with the help of her college tutor TOM (Jeff Marchelletta).
Three Beastie Boys travel back in time to wreak havoc in their younger selves' lives.
More than adapting Sheridan Le Fanu's novel, Stéphane du Mesnildot has transcribed the emotions that it inspired in him.
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