A Matador's Mistress tells the story of the passionate and forbidden love affair between the enchanting actress Ava Gardner and the legendary matador Manuel Laureano Rodríguez Sánchez. Set amidst the backdrop of 1940s Spain, their relationship faces numerous challenges and obstacles, including jealousies, religious differences, and the pressures of fame. Amidst the bullfighting arenas and glamorous movie studios, their love story unfolds with all its complexity and intensity.
Wartime propaganda piece reporting on the success of the economic blockade of Germany in the early years of the war.
Growing up in Granada, Spain, young David Fandila always dreamed of being a matador. This documentary captures the rise of "El Fandi," one of Spain's most renowned bullfighters, who first entered the ring at age 14. While it's never in doubt that Fandila is at the top of his game, filmmakers Stephen Higgins and Nina Gilden Seavey weigh the significance of bullfighting as a cultural tradition against its inherent danger and cruelty.
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